The information contained in this registration form is kept secure. It is not available to anyone outside the organizations partnering to provide you with assistance and is subject to federal privacy legislation. Information may be used for statistical purposes, but under no circumstances will any individual or family be identified. Under existing Canadian law, we are not permitted to share your information with any other Agency outside of this assistance process. If you have any questions in this matter, please contact the Tantramar Community Association.

Please note: Once your information has been reviewed, you will receive a phone call to discuss your request.

Personal Information
Required field.
Required field.
Required field.
Required field.
Required field. Please use the following format: XXX XXX
Required field. Please use the following format: ### ###-####
Required field. Please enter a valid email address.
Required field.
Required field.
Previous Assistance
Please enter your four-digit year of birth (e.g. 1995).
Current Request
 Sport Registration Fee
 Other (please specify)
Required field. You must choose at least one.
Assistance is provided by means of direct payment to the service provider. Please upload a copy of your latest bill.
 I certify that the above facts are true to the best of my knowledge and belief. I understand that I may not be eligible to receive assistance if the above facts are found to be falsified.